Red Fox Sites
Vulpes vulpes
All links

List of many links
If you would like to have your site added, or if there is a problem with any of the links, please contact Monty Sloan

Adam's Fox Box Bering Land Bridge National Preserve - Foxes
Fox Gallery Hinterland Who's Who -Red Fox
Linka's EncycVulpedia The Mammals Society Fact Sheet No. 7 - The Red Fox
Minnesota Carnivore Population Index - Red Fox Predator Defense Institute - Foxes
Red Fox Red Fox Predation on Breeding Ducks
Red Fox Taxonomy Silver Fox Computer Services
Urban Fox Ecology Vulpes ~ Vulpes

Wolves & Zoos with Wolves Wolf-Dog Hybrids
Zoos with Wolf Park Wolves Other Wolf Organizations Sites Featuring Wolf Park Misc. Sites Using Monty Sloan Photos Wolf Hybrids Wolf Hybrid Rescue
Wolf Biologists, Research, News & Education Other Animal Sites
Wolf Recovery
& Wolf Subspp.
Wolf Biologists and Research Papers Wolf News Articles Resources & Fed. Reps. Bison Sites Coyote Sites Red Fox Sites Other Animals
Dogs, Training & Enrichment Wolf Books, Art & Other Fun Stuff
Behavioral Enrichment Dog Behavior & Training Sites Livestock Guarding & Other Dog Sites National Parks with Wolves Wolf Books Wolf Art, Kids & Other Fun Sites
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Unless otherwise noted, all photographs
© Monty Sloan/Wolf Park
For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please check with Monty Sloan

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Site managed by Tigerwolf Images used with permission of the Artist
Web page © 1998 Monty Sloan
Last revised: January 30, 1998